Because of the support shown and donations given that help make the Tommy Steen Memorial Golf Tournament possible, we have been able to start an endowment fund through Clemson University in the amount of $25,000 in Tommy’s honor. This endowment fund will provide a scholarship for a Clemson student throughout Clemson’s duration as a university. As the funds in the endowment increase, we are able to ensure that the recipient who receives the scholarship is from the Chesterfield county area. It is our goal to have the endowment reach a total of $75,000 so that we can make this a real possibility! We thank you in advanced for your willingness to help make this a reality!
after following the provided link:
1. click "search for a fund"
2. type "Steen" into the search box
3. click "Thomas A. 'Tommy' Steen '16 Memorial Scholarship Endowment"
4. input your gift amount and click next
5. select "one time gift"
6. check box "my gift is in honor or memory of someone"
7. highlight "in memory of" and put Tommy's first and last name then click next
8. fill out information and click "give now"
9. insert payment option